Tag: Arts

Lomography: My Journey In Rediscovering Film

The first time I walked into a Lomography store was for a party – the night featured an Italian theme to launch a product called the La Sardina, which I discovered was a funny little camera shaped like a can of sardines. When I entered the space, I couldn’t help but notice a large table in the middle of the room covered in candy-colored cameras laid out buffet-style, beckoning me to pick one up and ask, “What are these?” Party guests and store workers swirled around me taking snaps with cameras of all shapes and sizes but you couldn’t see the digital image instantly on the back, no, this was film. Film? Do people really use that anymore?

My questions weren’t uncommon, neither was a party in a Lomography store…read the full story.
(Note: this story was is no longer available online, please pardon the missing images on the PDF.)
Example of Lomography
Every picture tells a story,
Photo by Kastle, taken with the Lomography Diana F+

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